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CLIMOND - Global climatologies for bioclimatic modelling

CLIMOND climate datasets

[Descripción] The CliMond archive is a set of free climate data products, modelling tools, and the home of the Bioclim registry. The climate data includes interpolated surfaces at 10' and 30' for recent historical climate and relevant future climate scenarios, availalble available as monthly climate data, 40 Bioclim variables and in CLIMEX format. Modelling tools include Köppen-Geiger climate classification surfaces and the ExDet tool.  
The CliMond climate dataset consists of gridded historical climate data and some future climate scenario data at 10' or 30' spatial resolution. 

  • BIOCLIM data: The Bioclim variables are the core covariates used in correlative species distribution modelling. Collectively, they represent a statistical summary of temperature, precipitation, radiation and soil moisture. Recently, the first five principal components of the initial 35 variables were added as Bioclim variables (Bio36-Bio40).
  • CLIMEX climate data: CLIMEX Versions 2 and 3 utilise a set of Location (.loc) and Meteorology (.met) files that are combined into a MetManager (.mm) file for use in the software. The .met files contain data for daily minimum temperature (Tmin), daily maximum temperature (Tmax), monthly precipitation (Rainfall), and relative humidity at 9:00 (RH 0900) and 15:00 (RH 1500).
  • RAW climate data: his dataset contains monthly averages or totals of critical climatic variables (daily minimum temperature, daily maximum temperature, montly precipitation total, daily average radiation). The historical baseline dataset is derived from the Worldclim and CRU datasets. A series of future climate scenarios has been built using this baseline, and these data are also provided here. They are suitable for mapping or spatial analysis.
  • Köppen-Geiger Climatic Zones: The Köppen-Geoger climatic zones are useful for pest risk assessments as a means of undertaking a first-pass assessment of risk based on whether a species is found in the same climate zone as the pest risk assessment area. They may also have a role in assisting modellers to set the model background when using techniques such as MAXENT.

[Autoría] CliMond is the product of an informal collaboration between bioclimatic modellers and climate data custodians.
[Web original] CliMond, 
[Formato] Ráster: ascii_raster y ESRI grid; Vectorial para el mapa de zonas de Köppen: shapefile.
[Resolución espacial / Escala] varias resoluciones.
[SRS] EPSG:4326
[Licencia] No especificada, la descarga es libre con registro previo.
[Descarga en origen] 

[Descarga en local] N/A
[Observaciones] Kriticos, D.J., Webber, B.L., Leriche, A., Ota, N., Macadam, I., Bathols, J. & Scott, J.K. (2012) CliMond: global high resolution historical and future scenario climate surfaces for bioclimatic modelling. Methods in Ecology & Evolution 3: 53-64. DOI: 10.1111/j.2041-210X.2011.00134.x 
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[Extensión geográfica]