The Prediction of Worldwide Energy Resources Project
[Descripción] The Prediction of Worldwide Energy Resources (POWER) Project is funded through the NASA Applied Sciences Program within the Earth Science Division of the Science Mission Directorate and provides a web mapping application providing data subsetting, charting, and visualization tools in an easy-to-use interface. The POWER project was initiated to improve upon the current renewable energy data set and to create new data sets from new satellite systems. The POWER Data Archive can be downloaded as daily time series analysis ready data files or as climatologically monthly averaged values.
[Web original] NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC), NASA Prediction Of Worldwide Energy Resources
[Contenidos] Numerosas variables climáticas como:
- insolación sobre superficie horizontal.
- radiación directa.
- velocidad del viento a 2, 10 y 50 m.
- temperaturas mínimas y máximas.
- Humedad a 2 m.
- Precipitación.
- Presión.
[Resolución espacial / Escala] Variable: "The data are available in their original source spatial resolution"; es comñún 0.5º x 0.625º para datos meteorológicos.
[SRS] EPSG:4326.
[Licencia] No localizada. Los datos y la API son de uso libre.
[Descarga en origen] Ver guía en
[Descarga en local] N/A.
[Observaciones] Use of POWER Data: When POWER data products are used in a publication, we request the following acknowledgment be included:
"These data were obtained from the NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) POWER Project funded through the NASA Earth Science/Applied Science Program."
[Extensión geográfica] Global.