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GRID-Geneva UN environment programme


[Descripción] GRID-Geneva is part of the Science Division of the UN Environment Programme's global group of environmental information centres, known as the Global Resource Information Database (GRID) network. GRID-Geneva manages numerous high quality geospatial data sets at various scales (global, continental, national and subnational) on a variety of environment related themes. These GRID-Geneva managed platforms are available in the first section here below.
[Web original] 
[Contenidos] Acceso en GRID - Data Platforms 

  • GRID core datasets: This platform includes a selected set of 52 basic fundamental geospatial data held by Grid-Geneva, and collected from external sources.
  • WESR: The World Environment Situation Room (WESR) is UNEP’s dynamic on-line platform for sharing contextualized data and knowledge to keep the environment under review. Se organiza en tres secciones: Biodiversity and Nature Loss, Climate Change, Pollution and Waste, cada una de las cuales contiene información 
  • RAMSAR: The Ramsar Sites Information Service (RSIS) provides online information on wetlands that have been designated as internationally important.
  • ...

[Resolución espacial / Escala] variable.
[SRS] EPSG:4326
[Licencia] Variable, examinar cada capa de datos.
[Descarga en origen] A partir de es necesario ir explorando.
[Descarga en local] N/A
[Observaciones] Realmente, es un lugar donde se muestran accesos a otros sitios donde existen datos; es, por tanto, un servicio de catálogo.
[Extensión geográfica] Variable, según los datos.