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GMTED2010, Global Multi-resolution Terrain Elevation Data


[Descripción] The USGS and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) have collaborated on the development of a notably enhanced global elevation model called the Global Multi-resolution Terrain Elevation Data (GMTED2010), which has replaced GTOPO30 as the elevation dataset of choice for global and continental scale applications. The GMTED2010 product suite contains seven new raster elevation products for each of the 30-, 15-, and 7.5-arc-second spatial resolutions and incorporates the current best available global elevation data.
[Autoría] U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Earth Resources Observation & Science (EROS) Center
[Web original] GMTED2010 | U.S. Geological Survey ( 
[Formato] raster (geotiff).
[Resolución espacial / Escala] 
[SRS] EPSG:4326
[Licencia] No restrictions. All GMTED2010 data products are publically available. Any acquisition or use of these data signifies a user's agreement to comprehension and compliance of the USGS Standard Disclaimer. Ensure all portions of metadata are read and clearly understood before using these data in order to protect both user and USGS interests. Please refer to for the USGS disclaimer.
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