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CM SAF Solar Radiation Data

CM SAF Solar Radiation Data

[Descripción] Solar radiation data sets all consist of the average irradiance over the time period in question, taking into account both day and night-time, measured in W/m2. The data available here are only long-term averages, calculated from hourly global and diffuse irradiance values over the period 2007-2016.
[Autoría]  Joint Research Center, Institute for Energy and Transport (IET),
[Web original]  IET,
[Formato] Ráster: ascii grid.
[Resolución espacial / Escala] 0.025º (aprox. 1.5 km; 4001 x 5201 cells)
[SRS] EPSG:4326 
[Licencia] The data in this section are free for public use. Information about the calculation methods can be found here, as well in our publications.The use of these data is authorised, if the source is acknowledged.
[Descarga en origen]  
Available data sets:

[Descarga en local] N/A.
[Observaciones] Elaboración descrita en
Cita académica: Huld T.; Müller R.; Gambardella A. (2012) A new solar radiation database for estimating PV performance in Europe and Africa. Solar Energy, 86: 1803-1815.
[Extensión geográfica] North: 65° N, South: 35° S, West: 65° W, East: 65° E